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sciencewriter module

Main module for the ScienceWrite application model.


This class represents the application as a whole that exposes the API for other derived works to access and to manipulate the internals of the writing project.


This function takes the internal state of the application and persists it to a location from where it can be instantiated at a later time.

Source code in sciencewriter/
def persist_information(self):
    """This function takes the internal state of the application and persists it to a location from where it can be instantiated at a later time.


This function takes an information state persisted at some location and it will instantiate the application based on that information.

Source code in sciencewriter/
def reload_information(self):
    """This function takes an information state persisted at some location and it will instantiate the application based on that information.

Last update: 2021-06-04